後ろ足を片方なくしたフレミッシュジャイアントの話Vote fore a bunny lost a leg — the case of Chief and Shawnee

House Rabbit Societyミズーリ支部での話。



If you are a bunny lover, read a heartwarming story and vote for them, so that Missouri House Rabbit Society may won $2000 grant !


Chief and Shawnee

Chief and Shawnee were put outside to fend for themselves where they lived under a deck with a 1 ft. clearance. After nearly a year, their plight was brought to the attention of a police officer and from there to the Missouri House Rabbit Society. Upon rescue Chief was discovered to have a severely broken back leg that had probably been that way for some time. An attempt was made to surgically repair the break, but the bone shattered away from the metal plate leaving the rescue group with the decision to euthanize or amputate the leg. This was a tough decision. Chief had a wonderful disposition, but the cost was a severe burden and who was likely to adopt a three legged, four year old Flemish Giant rabbit? However, between veterinary and friend help, the choice to amputate was made. During the entire ordeal, Chief’s fighting spirit and constant affection towards people was an inspiration for everyone. In the meantime, Shawnee had been kept separate for her spay and it had been several months apart for them due to Chief’s surgeries, recovery, and then neuter. The plan was, hopefully, to reunite them.

During an adoption visit, a couple interested in a Flemish spotted Shawnee and fell in love with her. They hadn’t considered two bunnies, but hearing the whole story about Chief and Shawnee they asked about putting them back together. Enough time had passed since their spay/neuter to see if they were still interested in each other without hormones being involved. It was clear to all they were and the two are now happy in their new home. There was even a special ramp made so that Chief could get up onto the couch to sit with his new family and next to Shawnee.

Missouri House Rabbit Society, of Chesterfield, MOこれは厳しい選択でした。チーフは素晴らしい性格でしたが、手術費はレスキューグループにとって深刻な重荷になります。それに、既に4歳の、三つ足のフレミッシュジャイアントを気に入って、家に迎えてくれる人がいるでしょうか?

この厳しい試練の中で、 チーフの生き抜こうとする力と人々への尽きる事ない関心、愛情は、多くの人に感銘を与えました。


性ホルモンがなくても、まだお互いに相手に興味があるか? 既に、二匹とも去勢/避妊されてから、十分な時間が過ぎていました。


この話は、現在アメリカの「the Animal Rescue Site」で行われている、「Heartwarming Story Contest」の中の一話です。

今回の 「Heartwarming Story Contest」では、上位3位を獲得したところが2000ドル貰えます。


『Chief and Shawnee』





今の愛護法で罰せるのは、 「飢えさせること」「みだりに殺傷すること」「遺棄すること」の3つだけなんですよ!




〆切は12/7必着です!! まだの人は、今すぐGO!


(cited from http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/clickToGive/contest.faces?siteId=3#06)

Chief and Shawnee

Chief and Shawnee were put outside to fend for themselves where they lived under a deck with a 1 ft. clearance. After nearly a year, their plight was brought to the attention of a police officer and from there to the Missouri House Rabbit Society. Upon rescue Chief was discovered to have a severely broken back leg that had probably been that way for some time. An attempt was made to surgically repair the break, but the bone shattered away from the metal plate leaving the rescue group with the decision to euthanize or amputate the leg. This was a tough decision. Chief had a wonderful disposition, but the cost was a severe burden and who was likely to adopt a three legged, four year old Flemish Giant rabbit? However, between veterinary and friend help, the choice to amputate was made. During the entire ordeal, Chief’s fighting spirit and constant affection towards people was an inspiration for everyone. In the meantime, Shawnee had been kept separate for her spay and it had been several months apart for them due to Chief’s surgeries, recovery, and then neuter. The plan was, hopefully, to reunite them.

During an adoption visit, a couple interested in a Flemish spotted Shawnee and fell in love with her. They hadn’t considered two bunnies, but hearing the whole story about Chief and Shawnee they asked about putting them back together. Enough time had passed since their spay/neuter to see if they were still interested in each other without hormones being involved. It was clear to all they were and the two are now happy in their new home. There was even a special ramp made so that Chief could get up onto the couch to sit with his new family and next to Shawnee.

Missouri House Rabbit Society, of Chesterfield, MO


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