Temperature: 18 c
Humidity: 40%
Feces: 71g: shapes are odd: small dia.3mm, ellipse dia. 12mm, and normal size.
Water: 125 mL
All vegetable disappear.
Timothy hey in a wooden box is almost eaten up.
Water level decreases.
He eats pellets well.
He eats timothy hey.
He has a penicillin shot at hospital.
After he gets back home, he runs to the corner in his room.
17:00 ~ 21:00
He doesn’t drop any poo.
He doesn’t eat pellets. After che, he starts eating slowly, but only organic pellets (8mL.)
Let him out, he explores few minutes, but soon after he backs his corner.
He starts exercise.
He lefts 1/4 pellets, nibbles timothy hey and cube.
Two cups of fresh veges: Bok Choy, Parsley, Cilantro, Romaine lettuce, Celery.
He eats Cilantro.
Other bunnies keep eating, but he finishes eating and starts exploring.
He eats leftover pellets.